The team at John Venn & Sons possess the language skills required to work closely with recipients and legal counsel in the target jurisdiction, as well as issue documents tailored to the specific requirements of that country. Working closely with the Firm’s In-House translation department ensures that translations are issued promptly and to the highest standard. Below are examples of services we provide for some of the jurisdictions where our assistance is required.
Services for business
- Notarisation of Powers of Attorney, Declarations
- KYC documentation for business
- Corporate documentation such as certificates of Incorporation, articles of association, annual accounts and Shareholder registers
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- Powers of attorney and affidavits for Trademark registration
- Affidavits and statutory declarations
- Certificates of corporate law
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Apostille legalisation
Services pour les entreprises
- Attestation de procurations et déclarations
- Éléments d’identification et connaissance clientèle - dispositif de lutte contre le blanchiment
- Documents d’entreprise, actes de constitution, statuts de société, comptes annuels, registres d’associés
- Traductions certifiées, notariées et légalisées
- Procurations et déclarations en matière de la propriété intellectuelle
- Déclarations sous serment, attestations
- Certificats de coutume – société étrangère
- Documentation relative aux brevets et aux marques
- Légalisation avec apostille
Services for the private client
- Certification of signature
- Certified copy
- Statutory declarations
- Apostille legalisation
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- Powers of attorney in private form
- Authentic notarial acts
- Powers of attorney for the sale, purchase, gift of property
- Acceptance of inheritance
- Wills
- Assistance in matters of forced heirship, disposable share
- Certificate of heirs
- Certificates of law
- Recognition of French wills
- Matrimonial property agreement
- Change of matrimonial property regime
- Separation of property
- Universal community of property
- Deed of adoption
Services aux particuliers
- Attestation de signature
- Copie certifiée conforme
- Attestations sur l’honneur
- Légalisation avec apostille
- Traductions simples ou certifiées
- Procurations sous seeing privés
- Actes authentiques
- Procurations pour la vente, acquisition ou donation de biens immeubles
- Acceptation de succession
- Testaments
- Réserve héréditaire, quotité disponible
- Acte de notoriété
- Certificats de coutume
- Validation de testaments français, répartition successorale
- Contrat de mariage, convention matrimoniale
- Changement de régime matrimonial
- Séparation de biens
- Communauté universelle
- Consentement a l’adoption
Services for business
- Notarisation of Powers of Attorney, Shareholder Resolutions and Board Resolutions
- Declarations of Consent / Deeds of Ratification
- Deletion consents for charges/mortgages
- Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
- Certificates of existence and representation
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Sworn affidavits / declarations
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- Apostille legalisation
Dienstleistungen für gesellschaftliche Angelegenheiten
- Vollmachten, Gesellschafterbeschlüsse und Vorstandsbeschlüsse
- Genehmigungserklärungen bzw. Vollmachtsbestätigungen
- Löschungsbewilligungen für Grundschulden
- Errichtungsbescheinigungen, Gesellschafterverträge und Satzungen
- Existenz- Und Vertretungsbescheinigungen / Vertretungsbestätigungen
- Dokumentation zu Patenten und Marken
- Eidesstattliche Versicherungen / Erklärungen
- Beglaubigte, notariell beglaubigte und legalisierte Übersetzungen
- Legalisation durch Apostille
Services for the private client
- Powers of Attorney for sale or purchase of property, registrations at the commercial register and powers of attorney to wind up an estate
- Deeds of Ratification
- Certificates of Good Conduct
- Certified copies - Passport and utility bills
- Specimen Signature Forms
- Declarations for renunciation of inheritance
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
Dienstleistungen für Privatpersonen
- Vollmachten für den Immobilienverkauf, Handelsregistereintragungen und Nachlassvollmachten
- Genehmigungserklärungen
- Führungszeugnisse
- Beglaubigung von Fotokopien - Reisepässe und Gas-, Wasser- oder Stromrechnung
- Musterzeichnungserklärungen
- Erklärungen zur Ausschlagung einer Erbschaft
- Einfache oder notariell beglaubigte Übersetzungen von Dokumenten
Services for business
- Notarisation of Powers of Attorney
- Incorporation of companies and establishment of branches in Italy
- Appointments of authorised signatories and branch directors
- Commercial Registry Extracts
- Company documents such as Certificates of Incorporation, Articles of Association and Shareholder registers
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Apostille legalisation
- Certified, sworn, notarised and legalised translations
Servizi per aziende e società
- Autenticazione notarile di procure
- Costituzione di società e apertura di filiali in Italia
- Nomina dei firmatari autorizzati e dei direttori delle filiali
- Visure camerali
- Documenti societari come atti costitutivi, statuti e registri degli azionisti.
- Documentazione su brevetti e marchi
- Legalizzazione tramite apostille
- Traduzioni certificate, giurate, autenticata dal notaio e legalizzate
Services for the private client
- Declaration of Value relating to UK University and professional qualifications
- Powers of Attorney for inheritance matters
- Acts of Notoriety and waivers of inheritance
- Powers of Attorney to buy or sell property
- Certified, sworn, notarised and legalised translations
Servizi per le persone
- Dichiarazione di valore relativa alle qualifiche universitarie e professionali nel Regno Unito
- Procure a fini successori
- Atti notori e rinunce all’eredità
- Procura per l'acquisto o la vendita di beni immobili
- Traduzioni certificate, giurate, autenticata dal notaio e legalizzate
Services for business
- Powers of Attorney
- Notarised copies of Certificates of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Shareholders Register and Annual Accounts
- Certificates of Law
- Incorporation of companies and establishment of branches
- Appointment and removal of Directors
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Apostille legalisation
- Certified, sworn, notarised and legalised translations
Serviços comerciais
- Procurações
- Cópias autenticadas dos certificados de constituição, dos estatutos, do registo de accionistas e das contas anuais
- Certificados de Direito
- Constituição de sociedades e estabelecimento de sucursais
- Nomeação e destituição de directores
- Documentação sobre patentes e marcas registadas
- Legalização por apostila
- Traduções certificadas, juramentadas, notariais e legalizadas
Services for the private client
- Powers of attorney for the purchase and sale of property
- Powers of attorney for marriage
- Powers of attorney for inheritance purposes
- Notarisation of documents for Visa Applications
- Certified, sworn, notarised and legalised translations
Serviços para clientes particulares
- Procurações para compra e venda de imóveis
- Procurações para casamento
- Procurações para fins sucessórios
- Notarização de documentos para pedidos de visto
- Traduções certificadas, juramentadas, notariais e legalizadas
Services for business
- Powers of attorney for setting up companies, branches and representative offices
- Powers of attorney to operate bank accounts
- Powers of attorney for the purchase or sale of immovable property
- Powers of attorney for obtaining tax ID number and Foreigner ID number
- Public deeds to formalise company resolutions to be registered with the Spanish Companies Registry.
- Public deeds of ratification, revocation, request and declaration.
- Notarisation of company documents such as certificates of incorporation, articles of association and documents filed with Companies House
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Legalisation by apostille
- Certified, notarised, sworn and legalised translations
Servicios para sociedades y empresas
- Poderes para la constitución de sociedades, sucursales y oficinas representativas
- Poderes para operar con cuentas bancarias
- Poderes para la compraventa de inmuebles
- Poderes para la obtención del Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) y el Número de Identidad de Extranjero
- Escrituras públicas de formalización de acuerdos sociales que deben inscribirse en el Registro Mercantil.
- Escrituras de ratificación, revocación, requerimientos y manifestaciones.
- Certificación notarial de documentos societarios tales como certificados de constitución, estatutos y documentos presentados ante el registro de sociedades británico (Companies House)
- Documentación para patentes y marcas comerciales
- Legalización mediante apostilla
- Traducciones certificadas, notarizadas, juradas y legalizadas
Services for individuals
- Powers of attorney for obtaining a tax ID number and a Foreigner ID number
- Powers of attorney for the purchase and sale of immovable property
- Powers of attorney for litigation
- Notarised copies of passports and utility bills
- Deeds of ratification and revocation
- Certified, notarised and sworn translations
- Notarisation of academic documents for their recognition in Spain and South America
- Sworn translations of ACRO Police Certificates, HMRC A1 Form, Medical Certificates, Academic Documents for Visa purposes
Servicios para particulares
- Poderes para obtener un número fiscal español (NIF) y un número de identidad de extranjero (NIE)
- Poderes para la compraventa de inmuebles
- Poderes para pleitos
- Pasaportes y facturas de servicios
- Escrituras de ratificación y revocación
- Traducciones simples, notarizadas, certificadas y juradas de documentos
- Notarización de documentos académicos para su convalidación en España y Latinoamérica
- Traducciones juradas de certificados policiales ACRO, formularios A1 del HMRC, certificados médicos, documentos académicos, etc.
Services for business
- Powers of attorney to:
- Set up companies, branches and representative offices
- Buy and sell shares in companies
- Buy, sell, mortgage and manage property
- Litigate
- Deal with bank accounts
- Certification of signatures or copies of documents including passports or other identity documents
- Notarial certificates relating to UK-registered companies in order to certify corporate and constitutional documentation, certificates of English law
- Notarising, legalising and translating certificates issued by public registries
- Plain, notarial, certified or sworn translations of documents
- Apostille legalisation, including the electronic apostille
Osoby prawne, firmy, spółki, usługi dla osób prawnych
- Pełnomocnictwa:
- Założenie spółki, zawiązanie spółki, oddziały i filie
- Kupno i sprzedaż udziałów, kupno i sprzedaż akcji
- Kupno, sprzedaż, hipoteka, ustanowienie hipoteki i zarządzanie nieruchomością
- Prowadzić spór
- Rachunki bankowe, konta bankowe
- Potwierdzenie podpisu, potwierdzenie zgodności kopii z oryginałem, tym paszportu i innych dowodów tożsamości
- Poświadczenia notarialne w sprawach dotyczących spółek zarejestrowanych w Wielkiej Brytanii w celu poświadczenia dokumentów spółki oraz statutu spółki, poświadczenia prawa angielskiego
- Poświadczanie notarialne, legalizacja i tłumaczenia aktów stanu cywilnego, dokumentów urzędowych
- Tłumaczenie dokumentów: zwykle, poświadczone notarialnie, poświadczone i przysięgłe
- Legalizacja klauzuli apostille, w tym klauzuli elektronicznej
Services for individuals
- Powers of attorney for sale or purchase of property, to mortgage and manage property, litigate or deal with bank accounts
- Know Your Client (KYC) identification – Passport and utility bills
- Certificates of inheritance
- Renunciation of inheritance
- Wills in Polish or English
- Plain, notarial, certified or sworn translations of documents
- Confirmation of Polish citizenship
- Certificate of inheritance
- Passport consent forms, consent to travel
- Matrimonial property agreements, separation of property
- Apostille legalisation, including the electronic apostille
Usługi dla osób fizycznych, usługi dla osób prywatnych
- Pełnomocnictwa w sprawach dotyczących sprzedaży i zakupu nieruchomości, akty notarialne, ustanawiania hipoteki i zarzadzania nieruchomościami, prowadzenia sporów oraz zarzadzania rachunkami bankowymi, zarzadzania kontem bankowym
- Identyfikacja klienta – paszport i rachunki za media, paszport i opłaty za media
- Akt poświadczenia dziedziczenia
- Odrzucenie spadku
- Testamenty po polsku i po angielsku
- Tłumaczenie dokumentów: zwykle, poświadczone notarialnie, poświadczone i przysięgłe
- Poświadczenie obywatelstwa polskiego
- Stwierdzenie nabycia spadku
- Zgoda na wydanie paszportu, zgoda na wyjazd dziecka
- Umowa majątkowa, rozdzielność majątkowa
- Legalizacja klauzuli apostille, w tym klauzuli elektronicznej
Services for business
- Powers of attorney
- Notarisation of certificates of incorporation, articles of association board resolutions, shareholders’ registers
- HMRC double taxation certificates
- Incorporation of companies and establishment of branches
- Appointment and Removal of Directors
- Patent and Trademark documentation
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- Legalisation by apostille
Услуги для компаний
- Оформление доверенностей
- Нотариальное заверение свидетельств о регистрации, решений совета директоров, реестров акционеров
- Свидетельства от Налоговой и таможенной службы Его Величества (HMRC) о двойном налогообложении
- Регистрация компаний и открытие представительств
- Регистрация компаний и открытие представительств
- Документация для патентов и товарных знаков
- Сертифицированные, нотариально заверенные и легализованные переводы
- Легализация документов путем апостилирования
Services for the private client
- Declarations relating to inheritance procedures
- Travel consents
- Know Your Client (KYC) identification – Passport and utility bills
- Plain, certified or notarised translations of certificates and documents
Услуги для частных лиц
- Проверка документов согласно требованиям KYC (знай своего клиента) – паспорт и счета за коммунальные услуги
- Оформление заявлений на наследство
- Оформление доверенностей в целях приобретения и продажи недвижимости
- Сертифицированные, нотариально заверенные и легализованные переводы личных документов, например, свидетельств о рождении и браке, справок об отсутствии судимостей
Services for the private client
- University Degree certificates and diplomas
- Powers of Attorney and Declarations
- GCSEs, O'Level & A'Level certificates
- College transcripts
- Chartered Institute Fellowship certificates
- Birth, Death, Marriage and Adoption certificates
- ACRO, Police and DBS certificates
- Disclosure Documents
- Criminal Background check
- Fingerprint forms
- Notarisation of documents for visa applications
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- 大学学位证书和毕业证书
- 委托书和声明
- GCSEs, O'Level和A'Level证书
- 大学成绩单
- 特许学院研究员证书
- 出生证、死亡证、结婚证和收养证证书
- ACRO、警察和DBS证书
- 披露文件
- 犯罪背景调查
- 指纹表格
- 签证申请文件公证申请
- 经认证、公证和合法的翻译
Services for business
- Notarisation of Powers of Attorney, Declarations and Board Resolutions
- Company documents such Certificates of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Annual Accounts and Shareholder registers
- Appointment and removals of directors
- Patent documentation
- Powers of attorney and affidavits for Trademark registration and/or litigation
- Affidavits and statutory declarations
- Certificates of Identity of Legal Representative
- Legalisation by apostille
- Certified, notarised and legalised translations
- 委托书公证、声明和董事会决议公证
- 公司文件公证、公司注册证书、公司章程、年度账目和股东名册。
- 董事的任命和免职
- 专利文件
- 商标注册和/或诉讼的委托书和宣誓书
- 宣誓书和法定声明
- 法定代表人身份证明
- 加注公证
- 经认证、公证和合法的翻译